TechStartup App Support

TechStartup App Support

Welcome to the official support page for TechStartup University, the location-based mobile app connecting founders within the startup ecosystem.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is TechStartup University?

Who can use TechStartup University?

Is TechStartup University free?

What is TechStartup University?

Who can use TechStartup University?

Is TechStartup University free?

Account & Profile

How do I create an account?

How do I create an account?

Can I edit my profile?

Can I edit my profile?

How do I reset my password?

How do I reset my password?

Location Services

Why does TechStartup University need my location?

Why does TechStartup University need my location?

Can I use TechStartup University without sharing my location?

Can I use TechStartup University without sharing my location?

How accurate is the location tracking?

How accurate is the location tracking?

Connecting with Others

How do I connect with other founders?

How do I connect with other founders?

Are my messages private?

Are my messages private?

How do I report inappropriate behavior?

How do I report inappropriate behavior?


How do I find startup events near me?

How do I find startup events near me?

Can I add my own event?

Can I add my own event?

Privacy Policy and terms

What are the Privacy Policy

What are the Privacy Policy

What are your Terms of Service

What are your Terms of Service

App Version

Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: October 10, 2024

Contact Us

If you couldn't find the answer you were looking for, please reach out to

- Email:
- In-app: Go to Settings > Help & Support > Contact Us

We aim to respond to all inquiries within 24 hours.

We regularly update our app to improve your experience. Make sure you have the latest version installed for the best performance and newest features.

copyright 2024. All rights reserved

copyright 2024. All rights reserved